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A must see video for every architect and designer

Lau Tzu once said, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step".

Every passion has a starting point, a spark that pushes you towards that decision of interest. This "spark" can come in many forms, from an artist seeing the painting of Van Gogh for the first time, or a musician fee Beethoven's music. No matter the art form, every spark has one thing in common, it opens our eyes to imagine the beauty and power of the trade.

For me, the spark to my ongoing architecture journey was CNN's Spirit of Architecture video. Presented to me as an assignment by UST's Ar. Rizalito Mercado, after seeing the video for the first time, anyone will be opened to what the term "architect" really is and how much power and influence it has as an art and a basic need. An importance that is often overlooked, but inevitably undeniable. This documentary is filled with many nuggets that depicts a glimpse into architecture, but in summary, I'll leave you with one of the most powerful lines in the video:

“People are shaped by architecture as much as architecture is shaped by people.”(Alain de Botton)

And if you haven't seen the video, I encourage you to do so.

What is your "spark", whether a video, building, or a person, share with us in the comments below. Let's make this a discussion.

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